My wine journey, as well as many other educators, started with just my personal interest in learning more about wine. I know a lot of you really would like to learn about wine and are not sure how to go about it in a more formal education way. And there are not a lot of classes readily available.
My mentor Tanya Morning Star released a great article on Wine Education I’d like to share with you. We are both educators – she teaches Wine Scholar Guild (WSG) specializations and I teach Wine and Spirit Trust (WSET) classes here in Portsmouth and at Commonwealth Wine School in Cambridge, MA.
Please click to read
About my wine journey
I took the Wine and Spirit Trust (WSET) Level 2 class (which I teach now myself) and I was hooked! This class, which is a beginning to intermediate 8-week course for wine industry and hospitality professionals who want to boost their resumes AND people like me – who want to expand their wine knowledge with some structured education.
I call it a “gateway drug” for wine education. Once you start to learn about wine, you realize how much you don’t know and want to learn ore. And more.
I have gone on to become a French Wine Scholar, Spanish Wine Scholar, Certified Specialist of Wine through the Society of Wine Educators, a Champagne Master and a Certified Sherry Wine Specialist.
And I’m completing my WSET Diploma in October while working on my Italian Wine Scholar and American Wine Expert courses. See what I mean? Addictive!

Fast forward a few years and I am teaching that same class, and this spring for the first time in Portsmouth, NH. I am proud to say that my students did incredibly well, with an unheard of 100% pass rate. AND you only need 55% to pass, and ALL of my students who took the exam passed at 70% or above, to receive Merit or Distinction on their diplomas.
Needless to say, I’m pretty happy. And many of these students are moving on to take Level 3 or some of the Wine Scholar Guild specializations in the coming months.
Ready to Start Your Wine Journey with Me?
I have a WSET Level 2 class starting September 6, 2022, that I’d like to invite you to join. If you are concerned about it being boring, it’s not! And I try to make wine education approachable, something that expands your wine knowledge but also makes you curious and adventurous.
Here’s a testimonial from a past student:
I have had the greatest experience taking the WSET Level 2 course with Anne. She has knowledge about and passion for wine that goes far beyond anyone I’ve met here on the Seacoast. Anne’s enthusiasm and expertise excites me and inspires me every class. Whether it’s her multi-week course, or themed classes, Anne always brings an immense amount of information to soak up, and delivers it in a friendly, educational, non-intimidating manner. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to experience wine education through From the Vine to Wine, and so thankful Anne is doing the amazing work she does here on the Seacoast!
Want to learn more about the next step in your wine education? Click here!