Women and Wine: an interview with cruology vines

October 7, 2021

One of our goals at From the Vine to Wine is to highlight women in the wine world, and I am so pleased to introduce you to Cruology Vines. I connected with these fantastic ladies through a Women and Wine Global Conference sponsored by the US Embassy in Paris. Since then I have been an avid follower on Instagram and we have had the pleasure to speak virtually a few times. Their daily IG wine reviews are fun, informative and spot on.

Cruology Vines is the project of Theresa Brodrick and Dulely Perez, two teachers and now also wine educators and influencers based in New York.

A little about them in their own words:

What started off as a brief discussion of our love for wine became a passion.
We began first with recommendations and food pairings-that eventually led to the discovery of how wonderful it would be for two women of color to create a wine brand!

A brand that would review wines, dismantle the snotty taboos that are correlated with the wine culture; educate others on expansion of palates, and all the while sell beautiful wine merchandise simultaneously…

In a little less than a year, we have been able to accomplish many of these things and more. We are so excited about where this wine journey will take us! Wine is our passport and we have so many awesome travels ahead.

Please meet Dulely and Theresa of Crulogy Vines, and learn more about their wine journey and how to start one of your own!

Links to Sites and People Mentioned

Check out their website, blog and online store: Wine Reviews | Crüology Vines (xn--crologyvines-elb.com)

Follow them on Instagram @cruologyvines

Sunshine Foss, the Happy Cork wine shop in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn www.happy-cork.com

Follow her on IG @happycorkbk

Shuru Winery/Shelby Hearn

Kevin Fox IG @kfowwyo

Tahiirah Habibi, founder of the Black WIne Networking group the Hue Society The Hue Society @huetothecor_nyc

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